St. Philip's의 사람들은 100년 이상 동안 Eastwood에서 예배를 드렸습니다. 초기에 그들은 천막이나 지역 사회 회관에서 만났습니다. 1907년 이래로 우리는 현재의 건물에서 만나 왔습니다.

성경에 근거한 복음주의 교회로서 우리는 항상 하나님과 그의 말씀이 우리의 삶과 존재에 대한 진리를 계시하고 절대적으로 신뢰할 수 있다는 근본적인 확신을 공유했습니다.
교회로 모이는 동기, 서로가 예수님을 따르도록 격려하고 우리가 행하는 삶의 선택을 하는 동기는 우리가 성경에서 읽고 배우는 것에 비추어 이해됩니다. St. Phil의 회원들은 친절하고 배려하는 지역에 일원이 되는 것을 좋아하며 누구든지 우리와 함께 하기를 환영합니다.

역대 담임 목사
- 1914 – 1918 H.W. Mullins (Curate in charge). Mullins was Rector of Ryde
- 1918 – 1943 A. Colvin (Andrew) – First Rector
- 1943 – 1946 H. Bates (Harry)
- 1946 – 1956 B.R. Horsley (Boyce)
- 1956 – 1964 E.G. Mortley
- 1965 – 1972 A. Funnel
- 1972 – 1993 W. S. Skillicorn (Stan)
- 1993 – 2006 M. A. Fairhurst (Mark)
- 2007 – 2014 C. R. Burgess (Chris)
- 2015 – present B. D. Stanley (Bruce)
Historic Dates
- 1905 services began in a tent, then moved to School of Arts.
- 1906 Current site – land given by Mrs A Darvall.
- 1907 Building of Church begins – existing chancel and stage area. Cost of £560.
- 1907 Sunday 28th April first service.
- 1912 3 more bays added to first stage.
- 1917 January St Philip’s School Hall completed for £890.
- 1917 28 February services started at St George’s Marsfield.
- 1917 May services started at St Mark’s Ermington.
- 1920 Rectory purchased (25 Clanwilliam) for £1,750.
- 1926 St Mark’s Ermington comes under West Ryde Parish and St Paul’s Carlingford comes under Eastwood Parish.
- 1930 January St Philip’s Sunday School rooms completed for £620.
- 1932 Pipe Organ installed for £550.
- 1933 26th August foundation stone laid for current Church – completed in November that year.
- 1936 St Paul’s Carlingford given provisional status.
- 1943 Sunday school founded at St Dunstan’s Denistone.
- 1950 main church repairs, repaint, plumbing, waterproofing and new electricals. Cost £1200.
- 1956 Dedication of the War Memorial Hall. Cost £21,000.
- 1961 December Church gallery and tower dedicated. 300 in attendance.
- 1970 Curatage purchased 8a Clanwilliam St. Cost $18,750.
- 2000 Cantonese Ministry and Service commences under Rev David Yue
- 2015 Mandarin Ministry and Service (9:30am) commences under Rev. Raymond Leung
- 2016 Rectory extensions completed. Cost $220,000.
- 2016 Church waterproofed, repainted, main floor replaced, complete re-carpet. Interior roof cleaning. Cost $150,000.
- 2016 Curatage renovated. New kitchen, laundry, bathrooms, flooring, repaint. Cost $80,000.
- 2018 Mandarin Service (5pm) commences under Pastor Christine Yang
- 2020 Stage 1A of major development begins. Complete renovation and structural stabilisation of Old Hall (1907) – (now called “Children’s Ministry Centre”), site perimeter fencing, playground, landscaping, carpark (unsealed). Completed during Covid-19 lockdowns. Cost $500,000.
- 2020 April – Korean service commences under Pastors Joe Hong and Jena Um. During Covid-19 lockdown. Service launches under live-stream.
- 2021 January 1st – St Philip’s Eastwood amalgamates with St. Mark’s Ermington to become 1 Parish.
- 2021 January 3rd – Indonesian service commences at Eastwood under Pastor Kian Holik.
The work of erecting the first portion of the Anglican Church at Eastwood was commenced yesterday. There will be accommodation for 300, and the building will be constructed of brick from plans prepared by Mr Summerhayes, architect
20 November 1906, the Sydney Morning Herald
역대 부목사
- 1908-1909 Rev C M Stratham
- 1909-1910 Rev J H Willcoxon
- 1910-1914 Rev H W Mullins
- 1929-1931 Rev H G S Begbie
- 1931-1932 Rev C M Kemmis
- 1932-1936 Rev O W Cooper
- 1943 Rev J R Noble
- 1949 Rev R Patfield
- 1950-1951 Rev A J Gerlach
- 1951-1953 Rev R W J Fraser
- 1953-1954 Rev K N Wray
- 1954-1956 Rev D F L Harris
- 1956 Rev E J Storey
- Rev F Alderton
- Rev C Gumbley
- Rev P Gurrier Jones
- Rev C White
- Rev G Simpson
- Rev D Meadows
- Rev G Orr
- Rev R Nixie
- 1973-1974 Rev D G Mulready
- 1976-1977 Rev G Simpson
- 1974-1975 Rev R Humphreys
- 1981-1982 Rev G B Mackay
- 1983-1984 Rev M P Steinwede
- 1990-1991 Rev A V Galea
- 1992-1993 Rev M A Fairhurst
- 1994-1996 Rev T C Goodman-Jones
- 1997-1999 Rev D L Milne
- 2000-2007 Rev B G Chapman
- 2000-2020 Rev D T M Yue
- 2007-2016 Rev M J Smith
- 2015-2021 Rev R Leung
- 2017-2020 Rev A James
- 2020-present Rev C Huin
The house at 25 Clanalpine Street first appears in the Sands Directory in 1913 as ‘Carlisle’ and is listed as the residence of Daniel French until 1921. The Council’s Valuation Books from 1924 confirm that the Rectory owned by the Anglican church is the house known as ‘Carlyle’. It is described as a brick cottage with six rooms and a slate roof, with a weatherboard garage.
Heritage inventory listing