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Q&A: 1 John 2

Questions and Answers on 1 John 2

Bruce Stanley

December 18, 2023

1 John 2 - Q&A

Thsi is the final Sunday where Q&A answers will be provided online. We will continue Q&A in the 6:30pm Church service.

Here are some brief answers to our questions from our Sunday evening service.

If you would like to discuss more, please call me or email:

1. How do we respond today if a church member is promoting or spreading ideas about Christianity that are not biblical?

Be loving. Try and understand exactly what they are saying. Make sure there is no miscommunication. Clarify and love them. If it does indeed seem to be unbiblical, then the Bible encourages us (Matthew 18) to take another person with us. This helps the process of good communication. But if there is still an issue, then the matter is to be taken to the church elders.

2. What should we do if we aren't sure an authority figure is speaking truth? There can be a power dynamic there and politeness factors too.

Same as question 1, although it can be difficult because of the power imbalance. Same process as in question 1, but it can often take more courage.

3. The Quran cites Jesus as the Messiah, and a great prophet. What are some apologetic points we can use when discussing with Muslim acquaintances?

Christianity says that Jesus IS God, and he died and rose again in the flesh. No other faith believes this. If Jesus is seen as a great prophet, that is a great discussion point to begin with. "Why do you think he's a great prophet?" This can be built on, helping others to see how great Jesus is, but also to open up the conversation to talk about what Jesus, the great prophet, also claims about himself - that he is God, that he died and rose, and that he forgives our sins.

4. Is the known antichrist that is already in the world talking about the line of Ishmael who started Islam?

Anti-Christs are any people who do not accept Jesus as God. All who reject The Son and the Father are anti-Christs. So it's helpful not to label just one religion as this. In fact, John reminds us that often these anti-Chrsitms live among us. And look like us. Wolves in sheep's clothing. And we have seen this many times when Anglican Churches across the world have rejected scriptural teaching on who Jesus is. Watch out for the less obvious anti-Christs.

5. How do we respond to a friend/family member who leaves a mainstream/biblical church to attend another church that has some unusual ideas about Christianity?

Love them. There's always a story behind these things. Why have they left? Don't cut them off, but keep the relationship open if you are able to do so in a loving way. Find opportunities to talk about the Scriptures with them and try and encourage them in the Word of God.

6. In John 15:14 Jesus says "You are my friend if you do what I command" I wouldn't be anyone else's friend if they said that. What's different here?

Jesus is the Creator of the world. He calls us to do what he commands because it is good for us, and good for our relationship with Him. In other words, we trust him that he knows best, so we do what he says. And he offers to treat us as a friend. In other words, to have a personal relationship with him.

If anyone else said to us "You are only my friend if you do what I command" then they would be acting as your ruler, which only God is qualified for. They would be overstepping the line.

Jesus is saying "I don't want to just be your boss, your ruler, your King... I ALSO want to be your personal friend." No one else can offer this because no one else is qualified to do this.

7. John 15:8, can it be interpreted that a life if walking with Jesus can be revealed by their behaviour towards others? How do we know if such ‘God-like’ behaviour comes from self-righteousness?

Self-righteousness looks different. Self-righteousness lacks humility and service. The fruit of the tree is different. God's people love others in a special way - which we will talk more about on Christmas Day in 1 John 4!

8. How do you respond to false teachers when they approach you?

Check their teaching. Be careful. Talk with others about what they say. But hear the warnings of the Scriptures also - often, false teachers don't "approach" us. They often get alongside us and deceive us. They manipulate the truth of God's word. They are often cunning and deceptive so we may not even know that they are a false teacher at first. It is important, as Cathy said, to know God's voice well, by reading his Word. Then, when someone says something that does not match up, we recognise that it is not from God because we know his voice! e.g. we may find ourselves saying "That doesn't sound like something God would say!" We can only say that if we know the Scriptures.

And God's Holy Spirit is always at work in us, protecting us and guiding us also - don't forget the real power comes from God himself at work in us.