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Prayer Book English Service

A modern prayer book service, with well known hymns and the Lord's Supper

Family English Service

A contemporary, family friendly service with a creche, kid’s & youth program.

Family Mandarin Service

A contemporary, family friendly service in Mandarin, with an English speaking kid’s & youth program.

Cantonese Service

A service in Cantonese, with a friendly group of around 70 adults.

Korean Service

A contemporary, family friendly service in Korean.

Modern Mandarin Service

A service mostly in Mandarin, with some English, especially for young adults whose main language is Mandarin, and second language is English.

Indonesian Service

A contemporary service in bahasa Indonesia.

Modern English Service

A contemporary evening service with modern music and worship band.


Rev Eric Cheung's Commencement Service

We are very thankful that the Rev. Eric Cheung has been appointed as the new Senior Minister for the Anglican Parish of Eastwood. We are holding a Commencement of Ministry Service on Tuesday 11th March at 7:30pm to mark the occasion.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

08:30 AM - 10:30 AM

St Phil's Main Church and War Memorial Hall

Book Now!

You are warmly invited to join us for this special event, as we welcome our new Senior Minister Rev. Eric Cheung to Eastwood Parish.

The service will commence at 7.30pm sharp, so please arrive early to allow plenty of time for parking and and to be seated. There is no onsite parking. The Service will be held in our Main Church and our hall will seat overflow. You may be asked to sit in either venue. This will be a wonderful opportunity for us to formally welcome Eric, Viv, Alex and Aidan.

This will be a well-attended event, so we ask everyone to book a seat for each person from your family attending so we can manage numbers.

Please RSVP by Monday 3rd March by filling in the details below.

Supper will follow after the Service in our CMC building.

If you are unable to attend, this service will be livestreamed on youtube. (CLICK HERE)

What is a commencement service?

From our Bishop: Commencement services mark a special moment in the life of a church. They provide an opportunity for the wider community to celebrate with a parish as a new pastor and his family join a church. The service provides a public reminder of the serious responsibility rectors undertake as well as an opportunity to recognise the important partnership between a parish and the Diocese.

We will sing together, pray, hear from the Bible, and support Eric as he commits to caring for and shepherding our flock.


Andrew Glover

Senior Assistant Minister

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Prayer Book English ServiceFamily English ServiceFamily Mandarin ServiceCantonese ServiceKorean ServiceModern Mandarin ServiceIndonesian ServiceModern English Service

    St Philip's Eastwood Anglican Church

    Cnr. Shaftsbury Rd & Clanalpine St, Eastwood NSW 2122 Postal Address 29 Clanalpine St Eastwood NSW 2112

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